Bill’s Blog – May 09, 2020

Wrapping Up Our Study of the Global MegaCrisis


I am grateful for the many wise comments contributed to our study of the Global MegaCrisis, and also for the  many responses from readers of Bill’s Blog. A close friend in California told me: 

“Bill,  I love what you are doing with your blog.  I want you to know you DO have hugely interested readers… I am right now sitting in a rocker on my deck , reading your blog, watching the moon rise, drinking a glass and generally communing. In my imagination, I can actually hear your voice.   Please keep on keeping on.  This is important work for all of us and for the planet.

Onward in grace and in hope! Julie”

As one example, the Men’s Group of my church in Georgetown, Holy Trinity, one of the most influential in DC, took to this message with enthusiasm. After outlining my thoughts in a Zoom meeting, they decided to devote five meetings to discuss the five principles of global consciousness.  The meetings on principles 1 and 2 have been held thus far with great success and the others are planned in the following weeks.  I am left amazed and gratified to find such an honorable response. It certainly has left an impression on the more than one hundred men in this group and their wives, many of whom joined the meetings.

Now it is time to wrap up this small study by noting a few references you may find useful: 

  • My blog of March 28 provided background information and issued a call for comments on solving the Global MegaCrisis. 
  • The blog of April 11 presented responses from seven contributors that concluded the coronavirus shows the present world order is not sustainable and suggests moving to a global consciousness. 
  • The blog of April 25 included another six responses extending our discussion into even more hopeful territory. 
  • The Journal of Future Studies is posting a summary of all this in their online version. 
  • Jess Garretson, CEO of The Cognis Group, has been posting podcasts on all issues of Bill’s Blog. The latest is here. 
  • An article summarizing the entire project is available here at
  • To learn more about contributor Sohail Inayatullah, see How to Become Futurist and the Metafuture School

    One final essay trickled in recently from my colleague and good friend Pradeep Rau. Pradeep is a brilliant scholar, a seasoned manager and an inspirational leader. His considered advice is offered below.

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